+64 22 044 9976

Cutting Edge Heart-Brain Science


For more than 25 years, HeartMath Institute has been researching the heart-brain connection and learning how the heart influences our perceptions, emotions, intuition and health.
Over a few sessions learn the effective HeartMath techniques for dealing directly with stress, anxiousness and uncertainty.
Techniques and tools that enable children through to adults remain present and connected during challenging moments and events.
Clients are able to reset their nervous system, communicate more effectively and access their intuition on the spot.
Accumulating stress and banking cortisol becomes a choice rather than a default.
Great for difficult communication, exams, relationships and building a foundation in your family/day to day life.
Prevent triggers from taking over and deal deliberately with them as they occur to enhance your health, effectiveness and happiness.
Be deliberate and live in your high performance zone.
Create hormones and direct your breath for a more fulfilling, self-aware and expanded life.
 _”As you bring your physical, mental and emotional systems into coherent alignment, you begin to experience increased access to your heart’s intuitive guidance.”_ 
Three sessions minimum are recommended.
Sessions are $150 per hour and can be held in person in Wellington and Wanaka or online for $120 per hour.
Concession and group/family rates can be discussed.

Example of a Tool

How I support clients